Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Viking Run - 40 Days to Departure

Forty days. That's a crazy number to look at. Less than a month and a half left for something that has been in the works for years to be so close, It's hard to fathom.

I went to Eurocycles up in Daytona last week and had new tires installed on the bike. Michelin Road 6 GTs I ordered from Revzilla. I've never heard so many people rave about a tire, I hope it lives up to the hype. 

Eurocycles of Daytona

Michelin Road 6 GT

They also changed the oil and did an annual service on the bike, which was probably much needed. It got fresh brake fluid and they really doctored the chain up for me, which is good. It's a good starting point for the trip and needs to be something I pay special attention to throughout the ride. I may even try to schedule some chain maintenance along the way just to be safe, in St. John's and then later again in Quebec City.

I ordered some food for a couple of rough camps planned along the TLH and a rechargeable tire inflator today from Amazon. The little compressor was an idea from Devon, the tech up at Eurocycles. I hadn't given that any thought and really think it may be one of the most indispensable tools on the trip. I also had to run up to Bass Pro and pick up another necessity that I have to have and hope I don't need...bear spray!

I don't want to be a testimonial for how good this stuff works.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Viking Run - 56 Days to Departure

I've spent the weekend so far making some adjustments to my Furkot maps and I'd venture to say there isn't really anymore tweaking to do, the trip is set in stone. I've created 28 individual Furkot maps for each riding day in an attempt to make each day an easier download in to the Scenic app. If it works, I'm having trouble getting it to give voice commands. 

I made an appointment for the tires and oil change next Saturday at Eurocycles. So that will be one of the final steps to complete. I'll get the rear platform on Tuesday, as well as some new boots I ordered with points from Revzilla. Once the platform is installed, I'll get the bike loaded out and do a practice ride or two to check the weight and balance. 

I'd like to be down to just the countdown by July 4th. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Viking Run - 60 Days to Departure


Today is a milestone day. 60 days until departure! That's the blink of an eye really. I feel that means I really only have thirty days left of prep. This trip can not come down to last minute compositions. I can say without a doubt that as of today...sixty days to go... I am not ready. 

I ordered a tail rack for the bike from an online vendor over two months ago. They told me it was an eight week lead time so I chatted with them this week and was informed they are no longer working with that manufacturer and to contact them directly. I did so and they shipped out the part the next day. It will be here Tuesday. That tail piece is the key to how I will transport my fuel tank and luggage, so two months wasted from a retailer with very poor service.

I am packing for all of the possible pitfalls that I can imagine could occur; cold weather, breakdowns, fixes, flat tires...I barely have room for clothing. I'll make it all work somehow, but right now, it is disconcerting. 

I was going to wait until July to get the tires installed and the oil changed, but that will happen this month now instead. I really need July to be a time for calm. I wonder if this trip is as serious an undertaking as it feels or if its just a get on the damn bike and ride? I'm not the type to forgo prep and try to plan as much as possible. I mean, it's 6000 fucking miles, 150 hours of saddle time. I just don't think being cavalier is the way to go.

The Viking Run, Day 33 - Wawa, Ontario

  It's been a week or so since my last entry. Multiple reasons for that. Several nights without available internet or too late to get on...