Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Viking Run - 60 Days to Departure


Today is a milestone day. 60 days until departure! That's the blink of an eye really. I feel that means I really only have thirty days left of prep. This trip can not come down to last minute compositions. I can say without a doubt that as of today...sixty days to go... I am not ready. 

I ordered a tail rack for the bike from an online vendor over two months ago. They told me it was an eight week lead time so I chatted with them this week and was informed they are no longer working with that manufacturer and to contact them directly. I did so and they shipped out the part the next day. It will be here Tuesday. That tail piece is the key to how I will transport my fuel tank and luggage, so two months wasted from a retailer with very poor service.

I am packing for all of the possible pitfalls that I can imagine could occur; cold weather, breakdowns, fixes, flat tires...I barely have room for clothing. I'll make it all work somehow, but right now, it is disconcerting. 

I was going to wait until July to get the tires installed and the oil changed, but that will happen this month now instead. I really need July to be a time for calm. I wonder if this trip is as serious an undertaking as it feels or if its just a get on the damn bike and ride? I'm not the type to forgo prep and try to plan as much as possible. I mean, it's 6000 fucking miles, 150 hours of saddle time. I just don't think being cavalier is the way to go.

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The Viking Run, Day 33 - Wawa, Ontario

  It's been a week or so since my last entry. Multiple reasons for that. Several nights without available internet or too late to get on...