92 Days. Ninety days is a a significant benchmark and its days away. I feel completely unprepared. As I stated before, I have the route and and all of my overnight stays planned except one, Labrador City, which I can't book till June. There are still so many other things to be done...and costs. This afternoon I'm getting an eye exam and possibly new glasses. It's an unfortunate expense and poor timing but it has to happen. Were the glasses I'm wearing become lost or broken it would seriously hamstring this entire event. I also must have new tires and an oil change prior to hitting the road. The oil change I expected but I didn't foresee was the glasses or tires. So I am strongly contemplating selling my other Beemer. I hate to do so but I may not have a choice. If I do it, I'll need to make the decision soon, because as I stated earlier, 90 days.