Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Viking Run, Day 8 - North Conway, NH

 Tonight I am in North Conway, New Hampshire, having left Boston this morning. The day before yesterday as I rolled in to Boston I stopped in Concord and walked to the North Bridge where the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired, A great place in american history, very happy to have seen it. 

The U.S.S. Constitution

I pent yesterday visiting a couple of sights in Boston. Much like Philly, I really had only one reason for visiting that town, and that was to see the U.S.S. Constitution. When I was a kid, maybe 9 or 10, I had these two small 8X10 paints of ships on my wall, maybe they came from a garage sale. One was of a wailing ship and the other was of a ship firing off some canons, the plaque on the frame said "Old Ironsides" on it. I remember asking my dad if it was a real ship and why they called it that. Of course, he new, and explained the entire story to me of how the shots from the British canons would bounce off the side of her hull. I was enthralled with that ship ever since. So when I new I was going to be in this area, as badly as I did not want to ride in Boston, I had to make the stop and see the famous ship. See the ship moored at the dock, seeing its true size and finally going on're in history at that point. Hundreds of years of history. The men that had walked those decks and sailed her and the conversations and battles. It's almost overwhelming when you think about it. I loved finally seeing "Old Ironsides" in person. It was a dream realized.

Fenway Park

So as I said, I really only had one reason to go to Boston, but timing worked in my favor and with an entire night to kill, the Braves were in town to play the Red Sox. Now I don't care about the braves or the Red Sox, I'm a Rangers fan, but it is Fenway Park. And that was something I couldn't pass up. So I bought the cheapst ticket I could find and went to the ball game. I had a great time. I haven't seen live baseball in forever and forgot how much I loved it. The ball park is an absolute gem. Right in the middle of town and the Sox fans, gotta give credit, they love their ballpark and their team. It was a grand night and I had the most fun.

The Old Cemetery, Ipswich, MA

On the way out of Beantown this morning, I had overcast skies and 73 degrees. It was a wonderful break from the 99 and 95 degree temps I have been riding in all week. I had a planned stop in Ipswich to try to locate the grave marker for what would be my 6th great grandfather (I think). It proved incredibly difficult, the markers there are from the sixteen, seventeen and eighteen hundreds and are so worn and hard to read, and there are too many there so without an idea of where to look it became futile to spend any more time there. 

The White Trellis Inn, North Conway, NH Dai

Tonight I have stopped at the White Trellis Inn in North Conway. Tomorrow I will attempt to ride the bike up Mount Washington, and then it's off to Bar Harbor. My last stop before crossing over to Canada.

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The Viking Run, Day 33 - Wawa, Ontario

  It's been a week or so since my last entry. Multiple reasons for that. Several nights without available internet or too late to get on...