Monday, January 31, 2022

The Yet as Unnamed Trip - 181 Days to Departure


I don't have a name for this journey just yet, but I think I may have solved what for me was a rather large dilemma. Getting from Philadelphia to Boston in the most direct way means traveling trough a densely crowded corridor passing Newark, New York and Long Island. An area I've been to several times, each time only briefly and I have zero desire to be back even if just passing through, but especially passing through on a motorcycle. Witnessing that insanity from the back of an Uber was plenty of adventure for me. Due to the fact I am not on a clock for this trip, I am afforded the luxury of taking the long way when desired or in my opinion with this case, necessary. So I have decided to head in a more northwesterly direction up toward Scranton and Binghamton; then a hard right turn to Albany. The extra miles will allow me to see some prettier country, ride better roads and provides an excuse to visit Cooperstown, where I can buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks,

Thursday, January 27, 2022

In Search of a Title - 185 Days to Departure.


So...I'd say it's time to start planning again but it's way beyond that. I believe I am approaching this next trip later than I should be. Be that here nor there, It's still time. I had planned to circumnavigate North America this year, counterclockwise, to the four corners of the USA and a bit of Canada. Learning from my last trip however, I know now that I don't want to have such long days in the saddle and not enough time to see my surroundings. So I have decided to ride an abbreviated version of my four corners ride. I'm now going to do an east coast trip up to Newfoundland, and then ride the Canadian side of the great lakes to Wright, Minnesota, where I can relax on the family land and get some fishing in. The current thought process has me renting a U-Haul to get the bike back to FLA, without much fanfare.

The basic route for the trip has been plotted out, what I need now though is a title. I've been kicking around the idea of calling it "The Viking Run" based on a planned stop at L'Anse aux Meadows and the Viking tie in to the Land of 10,000 Lakes. 

The Viking Run, Day 33 - Wawa, Ontario

  It's been a week or so since my last entry. Multiple reasons for that. Several nights without available internet or too late to get on...